The second day of program was a little more eventful than the first.  Everyone was well rested so after two classes, lunch and another siesta for some (do you see a pattern?!) we decided to go for a hike to get to know the city better.  It started off great!  We met at the Aqueduct, some people hiked up to the old wall surrounding the city, we walked around the old mint, relaxed on a bridge overlooking the river, saw some gigantic, gorgeous peacocks, took photos below the Alcazar, goofed around on some exercise equipment at the park and simply had an overall good time.  The last half of the hike takes us up a hill to a bluff with a gorgeous view of the castle.  On the way up, we saw some clouds in the distance and commented on how spectacular the rain looked as dark threads of clouds brushed toward the ground.  And then it was on us.  A lovely, cold rain greeted us at the exact moment we reached the overlook.  Was it just rain?  No.  If you click on the photo and look to the left, you may notice white dots in front of people. Yes, that is hail.  However, everyone took it in stride as you can see from the smiles.  Although the weather is a bit crazy I swear, it does get warm in Segovia!  Don't worry: this story isn't over! Check out the next blog!